Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Post for Raggedy

I request your brief indulgence for a moment to convey and important message from Miss Raggedy. My name is Steve. Miss Raggedy requested that I relay the following:

To the multitude of dedicated followers:

Miss Raggedy has conveyed how much she misses being here. Her inability to write and connect with you has caused much distress. She misses being able to visit all of the people in blog world. She enjoyed reading and visiting your blogs. She thinks of her fellow blog mates often and misses everyone. Technology continues to evolve. Unfortunately Miss Raggedy's computer could not evolve. She struggled and fought until it became a forgone conclusion that her antiquated computer was no match for the current technology.

Dear Blogger Friends,

I miss you!
Huggles from the Raggedy One.
I would like to thank Steve for posting this for me. If I win the lottery or am able to get a functional computer I will be back! The problem is people have to keep getting new ones in order to keep up. I have so many obligations greater than my need for a computer. At present I am struggling with my eldest sons return home and trying to keep Joe in college. I am devastated because have not yet been able to secure funds to enable him to continue in the fall. My children will always come first. My needs are way, way, way down the list of priorities.

I would like to thank Colleen for taking over my hot mail for the recent flood regarding a book. She sent out a letter to most of you who were on my one click notification setting to send alerts if the Author of a book published again.

I am not able to give you any information, guidance, or suggestions about the book. I will consider your request to post a review. At present I have no comment for recommendation or endorsement.

Colleen flagged many of your responses from my letter for me to review. I am beyond words. I can't express in words how moved and touched I am by your support. You have helped me through and extremely difficult situation. I am grateful to have so many caring people to help me through the pain, suffering, and tears . You gave me strength. I wish I could list all of you but that would be a little overwhelming for Steve. Thank you Father Ryan, Rev. Valen, Rabbi Kaplan, Rabbi Gordon, Rabbi Friedman, Rabbi Raskin, Rabbi Taub, Yudi, Leeland, George, Mary, and Chaim.

Have a wonderful Pesach!

Have a Happy Easter!

Love, Raggedy


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