She's Getting Better....and Better

LET ME TELL YOU!!! Progress has been made by our lovely pal. Mucho progresso. Here's a message direct from the source (and we love you, Raggedy).
"I am happy to report I am doing much better! AND I CAN TYPE!!! WOW! YIPPIE!!! How about that?
"I am still having trouble reading on the computer. I think it is the light from the computer screen and I hope that goes away soon too. That is the only thing keeping me from reading blogs and doing mine. I miss you all soooooooooooo much! I can't wait to catch up with everyone.
"I do read the comments on my blog a few times a week. Thank you! And I check email once a week."
Then she goes into a description of her day (picking peas, buying ice cream for the daughter, bathing her dog, cooking dinner for the man who lives there). "It's a Raggedy life, but Raggedy is living it."
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Q. What's green and pecks on trees?
A. Woody Woodpickle.