Thursday Thirteen (23rd)

North Dakota:
It Really Is One Of The 50 States!
It Really Is One Of The 50 States!

There were too many for one Thursday Thirteen.
Part 3 of 3
You might be from North Dakota:
1. If you can identify individual strains of wheat from your car at 70 mph during August . . .
2. If your soup du jour at your hometown cafe is always beer cheese or knoephla.
3. If you have as many Canadian coins in your pockets as American ones . . .
4. You only lock your car in August, so it doesn't get filled with zucchini.
5. If you don't slow down when passing an oncoming car on a one lane gravel road . . .
6. If you can drive better in reverse than forward . . .
7. If during the brief fall you proudly rake the whole yard to get a bag or two of leaves before the wind does . . .
8. If there is a Dairy Queen in every town with a population of 500 or more, but McDonalds are spread out every 200 miles.
9. If you keep the snow tires on your truck all year because it isn't worth taking them off for only two months.
10. If you drive 2 to 5 hours (one way) to attend high school sporting events…
11. If Northwest Airlines is your lifeline to the outside world . . .
12.If someone in a store offers you assistance, and they don't work there.
13. If your dog dies, you lose your job, and your car breaks down, all on the same day, and the first thought that comes to your mind is, "It could be worse!"
Bonus: If you have lived with an ICBM in your back yard . . .
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Labels: Funny, Thursday Thirteen Meme
Lol! Great idea for a list! I may have to steal the idea. Several of these items would fit on a Minnesota list for sure! :)
Oops, I don't know why the comment said anonymous
Very neat Thursday Thirteen---facts :)
Take care Ms. Raggedy
Welcome back, Raggedy! I noticed you were gone; hope things are okay.
I LOVE the one about zucchini. That was great!
Happy TT and again, welcome back.
Hiya Raggedy,
Very funny - but what's an ICBM?
I'm not from North Dakota but some of these sound like they'd work from here too.
Great list and have a Happy Thursday.
An intercontinental ballistic missile is an ICBM..:)
I am from the Philippines. Glad to know so many things about North Dakota, Raggedy! :)
Happy TT!
I have lived from Alaska to Texas, and I am more than appreciative of some of these!
Oh my gosh! I have a friend from ND I have to show this too. Great TT :)
Welcome back to TT, Raggedy! The ICBM thing made me LOL. What a fun list! And I think I'd like living in a place with all that snow. :-D
Happy TT, and thanks for visiting my blog!
This was great. #9 could be used right here in Alberta!
Your fast! I JUST posted mine and was shocked to see a comment already! lol
Great list, I laughed over the zucchini cause I got it. I've seen that happen here!
Great TT, but I don't get the zucchini in the car. Here in Florida, everything in your car melts.
This is the first one I don't 'get'...must be North Dakotan's get left off the popular cultrue radar so us foreigners aren't exposed to their 'quirks'?
LOL, LOL...Good One Raggedy!!
Interesting list! Nice to know more about a state, so it gets its own identity.
My TT shares 13 things about the blue moon.
lol! Great post! happy TT!
Good Post. I like Beer Cheese Soup!
Awesome list! Reminds me a lot of Canada ... eh ... :) Thanks for stopping by and Happy TT!
Zucchini! LOL! I am sooo with you on that. This is a hilarious list...I love it.
I grew up in a boarder town, and always had an interesting mix of Canadian and US coins. I can so relate to that one. :)
I grew up with a missile silo about 3 or 4 miles away. Passed it every day on the way to school. My Dad worked on the silo and we got to take a tour of it (empty of course).
#4 killed me...too much fun. Wonderful set of lists...I've been really distracted and busy and sorry for not being here the last couple of weeks. I'm back up and running though and catching up here. Thaks for stopping by my blog and saying howdy!
Don't think any of these has happen to me plus I don't drive...amusing TT.
I could tell ya Hard Red Winter, Dark Northern Spring and Soft White Wheat! Of course that is cause I worked for a commodities broker and settler wheat contracts :P
Fun TT!
Okay, let me tell you! I am originally from Phoenix, Arizona. About a year ago, my husband and I moved to Warroad, MN. I am 6 miles south of the Canadian border and being here only for one year I can SOOOOOOOO relate to this TT. Great job!!! Grand Forks is my closest place for a lot of modern conveniences and it is 2 1/2 hours away!!!! And, we have Dairy Queen on every corner but my closest McDonald's is over 30 miles away! LOL. Great post!!!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog too by the way!
I loved the zucchini one - that one was hilarious!
Sounds like there are pros and cons to North Dakota. None of the above apply to Wimbledon (England) where I live.
Very funny! I was really laughing!
*snort* too funny! Thanks for visiting mine!
Special K Family
Being An Air Force Wife
This list is hysterical! You know, I live in a tiny tourist town and I do #12 all the time - should I worry? Thanks for the laugh and Happy TTing!
A Flyover Blog
P.S. Thanks for dropping by:)
#2 is a crack Dad belongs He'd feel right at home:)
Great list, Raggedy! Funny stuff!
Check my TT out when you get a moment...
It certainly is a different life up there. I don't even know if we can buy snow tires here in Alabama. I wouldn't be worth the effort for the one day of snow we get every few years.
Too funny.
And your Wordless Wednesday is adorable.
Thanks for dropping by.
Funny list. Happy TT.
Well, I know I don't live in SD.
thanks for the read Mitch
PS I like #1.
You have Dairy Queens in North Dakota? Cool. I'd get by up there then. I can totally live without McDonalds.
Great list!
Great fun fact about North Dakota, maybe I should go visit it :)
And it been long time I been at your blog, need to do so often :)
Happy Thursday Thirteen
I just sent this to my Canadian friend who is at college in ND. Thanks!
Isn't 13 a synopsis of a country and western song's lyrics?
I have seen these for other States and countries. It is always funny to read those things that make us unique :)
Happy Thursday !!
Funny Funny :) im gonna have to go back and read part one and Two :)
Thanks for stopping by my T13.
haha good list! :)
Very funny and a great list. Happy TT.
Samantha & Tigger
Great list. Thanks for the laugh :)
#4? Great list my grams is from there I'll have to show her your lists.
I had a friend who moved to North Dakota a while back. She didn't tell me any of these things, though. :-)
I was going to ask which two months it was safe to visit without snow tires, but then I thought those two months might feel like FL weather and we ran from that.
I have no idea what knoephla is or how to pronounce it. LOL! And what's the deal with zucchini? Great list and always an eye opener to your grand state.
Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.
HAhaha, great list. And living very near an air force base, I totally get the last one.
BTW, I hear Flying Lessons is an excellent book. I should pick it up.
Great TT! And oh how I miss having a Dairy Queen in town.
Love, love, love it! And I'm not even from ND! LOL
Thanks for the comment! ;)
It's still Thursday on Maui, so a belated TT! This was hilarious!
ROFLMAO @ #4!!! And yum to beer cheese soup!
Hmmm, sounds like a nice place to live :-)! I like it when people are nice , helpful & friendly!
Happy Thirteening!
LOL! This is a great list idea!!
God Bless~
ND is one of the states I have yet to visit.
I've been there! My uncle lived in Valley City. :-) And we're from South Dakota . . . Britton, to be exact.
Thanks for stopping by!
I gotta check this place out! :) Beer cheese!?
I love the one about zucchini. haha and canadian money!! =)
Great list! Thanks for sharing!
Have a great weekend.
Great list! It reminds me of a Letterman Top 10. I've never been to North Dakota-have to check it out someday. Thanks for checking out my Thurs13.
MOL! What an amusing list!
Ha! That is an awesome list! Hilarious!
Not sure I get the driving backwards thing, but I get the zucchini one. It's not just ND, though. I grew up in CT. Great list and thanks for stopping by my T-13 haiku list.
Funny list, thanks for visiting my blog. Happy TT!
Thanks for the giggles. I love to laugh, Oh, I love to laugh... Dang it my Mary Poppins songs are going away... I better go watch the movie!!!
Gonna start a similar list:
"You might be from Singapore if..."
Great T13!
Ha! Great list! I feel like I've been to North Dakota. :)
Thanks for visiting my site!
Dairy Queens abound in every little southern hamlet as well....come to think of it I need to look that might be interesting. Seriously, North Dakota sounds very interesting. I would love to get there one of these days.
Awesome! I was born in Minot but we left when I was a toddling tot. My parents (who hail from Texas) have very little good to say about it at all.
Best wishes on recovery!
Really funny list!!! #12 would never happen here in Chicago. You're lucky if you can get the people who do actually work anywhere to help you here, I swear! A lot fo stores are even putting in self-checkout lanes which is fine with me!!!!!
And in regards to the slang questions....yes, I've heard of "speds". I guess it's better than a lot of other words I've heard kids call each other....yikes! :)
Happy TT
Jessica The Rock Chick
Sounds like a place I would like to visit. A great list and thanks for visiting my T13.
Ha!!! I used to live in Nebraska...the two states sound a lot alike! What a fun TT idea.
Happy TT!
Cool list, thanks for visiting my TT.
Hilarious! I especially like the one about locking the car so you don't get zuchini!
Love the zucchini one! :D
"It could always be worse."
I have a sister who lives in ND... She said this to me the other day.
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