Thursday Thirteen (17th)

A Texas attorney, realizing he was on the verge of unleashing a stupid question, interrupted himself and said, "Your Honor, I'd like to strike the next question."

1. During your initial consultation he tries to sell you Amway.
2. He tells you that his last good case was a "Budweiser."
3. When the prosecutors see who your lawyer is, they high-five each other.
4. He picks the jury by playing "duck-duck-goose."
5. During the trial you catch him playing poker on his cell phone.
6. He tells you “My intuition nearly makes up for my lack of good judgment.”
7. He giggles every time he hears the word "briefs."
8. Just before he says "Your Honor," he makes those little quotation marks in the air with his fingers.
9. He frequently gives juror No. 4 an obscene gesture.
10. He places a large "No Refunds" sign on the defense table.
11. The sign in front of his law office reads "Practicing Law Since 2:25 PM."
12. Whenever his objection is overruled, he tells the judge, "Whatever."
13. Just before trial starts he whispers, "The judge is the one with the little hammer, right?"
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Labels: Funny, Thursday Thirteen Meme
Isn't great to poke fun at the legal profession? Happy TT.
I think you could build a sit-com around this...Scrubs meets LA Law!!!
LOL...too funny!!
Great list!
Happy TT!
There are so many ways to poke fun at nearly any profession...what's really scary is when you see people in those professions acting out those behaviors. :D
Lol... he said, "briefs" heh heh heh :)
This is a great list. I had quite a few chuckles from this :)
Happy Thursday
Great list! Those were great. I loved Budweiser and No refunds!
Happy Thursday.
Those were great---but they came from the "Cool One" so of course they would be.
Take care, you are special
Ha,ha,ha that's too funny ! I just need a lawyer this one would be perfect !
LOL! That would just be sad if anyone's lawyer were like that.
LOL great list, happy Thursday. Nearly Friday for me :)
very funny and scarey too
Happy TT!
I will Exercise for Comments!
hilarious! great 13.
Hi Raggedy."A big belated happy birthday to Dad"
I hope i never get a lawyer like him.I had a good laugh. hehehehe.
Pleased you liked my garden.Take care ((((HUGS)))Jen
lol, love the air quotes one.
Happy T13
LOL! Love the list. Thanks for sharing. :)
Very creative TT.
Thanks for giving me a laught on this below zero wind chilled morning!
Thanks for visiting!
LOL! These gave me a serious case of the giggles. Great list!
Thanks for visiting my blog, and Happy TT!
LOL! :D Too funny! Thanks for the laughs. :) The cartoon is cute too. :)
Thanks for stopping by and happy T13. :)
Oh My Gosh! Excellent list!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for stopping by...I'm glad I stopped by here! This is a great list - I really liked the high-fivin' prosecutors! My BIL is a lawyer with a great sense of humor...I'll have to send him your way!
Happy T13!
Very funny! :) Terrific list. :)
Thanks for visiting!
Oh.My.Word. I know this guy. It's my neighbor (and I'm not kidding here). Scary! Yes, my neighbor is a lawyer (un-employed lawyer for over a year now) and he fits the bill on most if not all of those. Too funny. I'm copying your list and e-mailing to my hubby. He'll get a kick out of this. Thanks for sharing and I noticed that yesterday was your Dad's birthday. Happy birthday Dad!
Great list. Thanks for the giggles, and for visiting my TT :-).
wow. that would be a bit scary
ha ha ha!!! Thanks for the great laugh!!!! Happy TT!!
Oh gosh, that made me laugh!
I had that Lawyer once I'm sure.
OMG, I can SO see myself meeting this dude and then being stuck with him and not knowing how to fire him!!
Maybe he belongs in some fiction? *grin* If I get the time, I'll bring him to life for you, Raggedy.
Happy TT! Thanks for stopping by West of Mars. (I'll holler if I do the lawyer so you see it)
LOL, what a good laugh!
happy TT!
*giggles* Priceless!
Add "you need to pick a new lawyer when you begin shouting "Objection!" as your lawyer stands up to speak..."
Oh my word!! These were too funny!! Thanks for the smiles so early in the morning! Have a great Thursday!!
You are too funny! I like number 7 best! Happy TT!
Beautiful! Loved all of them!
Those were funny! Thanks for the laugh. Happy TT.
Very funny. Thanks for visiting...
If a lawyer don't do none of this , does it means that he is a good one?
Great list! Thanks for stopping by.
Why won't sharks attack lawyers?
Answer: Professional Courtesy
Haha! (Sorry. I couldn't resist!) Loved your list and the "Case of Budweiser". Must have been a hard one to crack open :)Super fun list! Thanks for the giggles :)
"...little hammer..."
THOSE were hilarious. They were so funny, I'm not even gonna comment on the Texas part of it. LOL.
LOL! That was a great list. I especially like #7 and #8.
That's a funny list! I'm one of those people that can't tell jokes at all. My one & only joke:
Why did the turtle cross the street?
To get to the shell station.
Told you I couldn't tell jokes!
BTW,I'm a first time Thurs 13er, and I'm having fun visiting everyone's lists!
Those are Great!
Lol! That was funny esp the the one with the hammer is the judge right?
Bdw, I did the 13 fave magnets at your request last week. Hope you can drop by and see it.
Those are Great!
Hee. Cute. Love the cartoon, too.
I would be VERY scared if I had a lawyer like that! :)
Happy TT!
Those were a hoot! Happy Thursday!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm glad you like my Gee Whiz Thursdays. I try to see the humor in life and the gee whiz thing helps me do that (except for the shooting, of course).
I hope you have a wonderful day! Love & big hugs!
Hilarious!!! duck-duck-goose.. haha!
Thanks for dropping by.
Oh my! Too funny (and too scary!)
Happy TT!
Haha! Good stuff!
When the prosecutors see who your lawyer is, they high-five each other.
now that would be a very bad sign.
LOL! Too funny!!!
These were all great. I loved the one when the prosecutors see who your lawyer is, they high five each other.
Thanks for visiting my T13 today.
Hee Hee Love it!
Great list! I'm still giggling @ 7. He giggles every time he hears the word "briefs."
I thought of FRIENDS and Chandler.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I so needed this giggle!
OMG I think I actually LMAO!! thanks for some really great laughs!! happy TT, mine's up!
i hope my real estate attorney isn't like that! ha ha
LOL that was great list, I find myself laughing at some of them!
Hey Heather - I thoughts of FRIENDS and Chandler too! LOL
Thanks for visiting my blog!
great list
I would add "he thinks appearing on Judge Judy would be a good idea"
you said briefs!!! (beavis and butthead laugh here)
too funny, great list! happy tt!
Gotta watch out for those lawyers! LOL!
These are funny! Thank you for the list!
I always get a laugh out of your lists!
LOL! Too funny! Thanks Raggedy!
My TT is up too.
Too funny! I really liked #12.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
A great list for sure!
Thank you for stopping by today.
Happy TT.
Haha! So funny!!! Thats a great list!!
LOL! Love #3!
Thanks for visiting my list.
Happy TT! :-)
These are really funny. Thanks for the good laugh!
so-so funny!
thumbs up!
I think everybody has said all that I wanted to say. Hilarious list.
LOL! This is a great list! Thanks for visiting.
ahahahha very good!
Those are great!
I have a feeling that Mr. Moe is gonna get that job!
I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day.
I had some dark chocolate!! (no surprise there)
I won't have a new post up until the weekend. I've been too busy the past few days, and I'm using whatever spare time I have to visit blog buddies.
Stop by JD's this weekend!! That's me, BTW. :)
I hope you have plans for a nice weekend, Raggedy.
Very funny stuff!! Happy TT!!
Number 7 is my fave!
Thanks for calling in...
I think I know someone with this lawyer lol. A funny TT.
Those are so funny! My favorite tv show is Boston Legal and lots of those you have listed could apply to how the lawyers behanve in that show ;~)
um, that would be *behave*...
Thanks for the laugh. What a hoot!
Happy TT!!!
What fun to read! Gonna have to take the cell phone away.
Heh, I'd want to be getting a new lawyer!
What a riot! I can just picture this guy in a nice polyester suit with a soup stain on his tie!
Ha! Funny stuff, as usual! Thanks for the chuckles! :)
that's a great list... will send the link to my SIL, who's a lawyer
thanks for the thursday thirteen giggles :) great TT!
Great 13! It's always fun laughing about lawyers.
Thanks for visiting.
I wouldn't doubt that some lawyers like these exist!
RUN, don't walk - away from that lawyer!!
Check out my TT
LOL, LOL, LOL....Very cute!
You got to love a good lawyer joke!
Oh how funny that we were both thinking about attornies!
And I too love a good lawyer joke.
Here's one:
I have some good news and some bad news, the good news is that a bus full of lawyers went over a cliff. The bad news? Three empty seats.
That's almost too mean to be funny but I still chuckle nonetheless.
Hi Raggedy ~~ Great lawyer jokes.I hope your Dad had a lovely birthday.
Thank you so much for your lovely comments about my posts Raggedy, They
are much appreciated. Glad yu enjoy your visits here. Take care, Love,
What a fun TT. I laughed out loud at nmber 1! Thanks
Funny stuff, Raggedy!!!
This is just hilarious. Imagine having a lawyer like this! I would immediately change him.
Thanks for the visit.
This was just too funny!
funny, Raggedy.
I think I saw my lawyer in there
LOL this was PERFECT since I had Jury Duty this week (ACK!! At least it was only a 3 day trial)
Thanks for the laughs and Happy T13!!
Oh man, that is EXACTLY my lawyer! They must've used him for a model. The only reason he's my lawyer is because he was an old drinking buddy of mmy husband's, so if I really needed some expertise, I'd go with someone else.
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