Friday Feast #129

What was one of the fashion fads when you were a teenager?
Long hair, hip huggers, and mood rings.

Name one thing you think people assume about you when they first meet you.
I don’t make assumptions. So I could not possibly assume what another person thinks when they meet me.

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how hard do you work?
I worked as a 10 most of my life. In the past two years I would have to say it fluctuates between a 1 and a 7 depending on the day.

If you were given a free 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl to sell anything you currently own, what would you advertise?
I don’t own anything of value to sell. I don’t watch television.
I would not benefit from selling the book on my sidebar.
I would advertise “Flying Lessons” so that more people could enrich their lives.

Fill in the blank: I love to ________ when it is _________.
I love to sleep when it is raining.
I love to walk on the beach when it is sunset.
I love to watch the sun when it is rising over the mountains.
I love to watch the moon when it is full.
I love to sit by the fire when it is cold.
I love to sail when it is windy.
To visit the rest of the Friday Feasts Click Here
Labels: Friday Feast Meme
What a beautiful dessert! I totally forgot about mood rings
Great feast! I especiaaly loved your dessert. That was very good.
I'm served too.
You work hard 1 - 7 that's good ! I only twiddle my thumbs !
Enjoy those delicious pictures:-)
Like your salad!
Thanks for stopping by my Sunflower blog and supporting me! Welcome back anytime.
I will Exercise for Comments!
With the emotions about Celentano, I almost forgot to comment on your feast, lol. I never cared what people are thinking about me, but I forgot to write that as an answer !
I love your "I love to's", I'd love to do those as well :D
Thanks for visiting! What a wonderful feast I found here. I always loved bell bottoms because they made my bottom look smaller!
I've never been sailing...that's on my "to do" list.
Well, I just loved every part of this feast! The pictures made it even better!
I used to have a mood ring too! I like the pictures too, they add a nice touch to the feast.
Gday Raggedy Oh what a feast you make me hungry just looking at the pics.
I love to lay in bed listening to the rain on a metal roof.
Mood rings were so popular at my school. We had a lot of fun with those.
Take care,
My feast is up.
Mood rings! I had forgotten about them!
Happy Friday.
Great feast.
I remember mood rings.
Mine is up too.
Very creative FF.
Smiles....great FF!
Oh. My. Gosh.
I totally forgot about mood rings. I LOVED those things!
Of course, mine was always black .... hhmm *grin*
Nice feast! Rich dessert!
great feast. ;) thanks for stopping by my site this week. love the dessert especially.
Loved your dessert (maybe because I love all of those things, too!).
And BTW, Mood rings are back!
Great feast! Thank you for sharing. Happy friday and thanks for visiting!
i appreciate you visiting my feast... I like to do all those things when it is all those things too. :)
I loved mood rings!!
Sunsets on the beach are amazing!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Your dessert is great! :)
Ahhh, great dessert!!! Love your visuals too.
We must be close in age on the clothing! I had a few mood rings in my time.
Thanks for stopping by!
I like your feast (and the pictures you've added to go with it). I don't have anything worth selling either. I love your dessert. All of those things are wonderful. Happy Friday:)
This is the second time I've seen this Friday Feast today...
That question about what would you sell or advertise---That is a strange one, isn't it? Actually, I think all these questions are kind of strange...LOL! Is it just me, Raggedy?
Mood Rings....Ahhhh YES! They were kind of a hoot, as I remember. Someone should bring that back cause there is a whole generation of people who I think would find that fun!
Don't really know what hip huggers are, but I think they should be brought back anyway!
Your dessert sounds fantabulous! And, it is so great that you are not one to make assumptions...that was the hardest question for me to answer! Thanks for stopping by!
Great feast - thanks for stopping by! I had a mood ring, but it was "totally retro" when I did ;-)
Raggedy - great feast and super cool widget for the link add-age I love it!
Thanks for stopping by my blog...loved your feast...was it just me or were the questions kind of hard this week?
Great dessert selections!
Mood rings were so cool!
Those pics of the steak and pecan pie are making me really hungry! :)
Happy Friday!
Enjoyed your feast. Now I'm hungry. :D
Have a great weekend!
Nice dessert! And you are so wise not to make assumptions. Thanks for feasting with me!
A good feast. I like what you did with the graphics too.
That was one great feast.
Thanks for the visit
yummy dessert! i love a full moon and a rising sun and a beach sunset too!
happy friday! thanks for stopping by!
Oh, I forgot about mood rings! I loved those too when I was little! Mine was always blue.
Thanks for stopping by tonight!
Go Colts!
I love the images you use with this!
Great and it makes me hungry!
Thanks for visiting my feast.
Lovely dessert. I love sleeping too when it is raining and it's so beautiful to watch the sunset especially when you're walking hand in hand with a loved one. I think a full moon inspires romance in the air.
I might have to try my hand at one of these Friday Feast things. It is fun to get to know people better!
I'm hungry just looking at the pictures you have for Friday's Feast. I love your dessert!
Fabulous Feast. I especially love the dessert.
I remember mood rings! They were fun!!
I love to sleep when it is raining.
SMILE, Raggedy!!
Have a truffle or three. :)
I love sitting by the fire too. I wish we had a fireplace.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Raggedy ~~ Great feast answers. I went to visit Vickie, she is having a very hard time lately isn't she?
Thanks for your visit and glad you enjoyed the 3 posts. I was very lucky to get some help from my neighbor, and
sure do appreciate it.
Take care,Raggedy, Love, Merle.
Thanks for stopping by 2nd cup. You know, many blogs look/feel similar, but not yours. It is unique, from the font to the design to the content. You said you don't make assumptions right away about people, but alas, I do. I'm not trying to judge, I'm trying to synthesize info and relate it to something/someone so I can "feel" that I know the new person better. (Of course, so often, we are off ... but most of us keep at it!) Anyway, without knowing your profession or family life or anything but a few posts, I'm guessing you're highly intelligent, introverted, loyal, a little off the beaten path at times (a very good thing, as in "creative") and warm, personality wise. Am I close???
Mood rings. I forgot about those. LOL I love your Desserts - all of them.
Thanks for stopping by.
I remember mood rings! I wasn't quite a teenager when they were the fad, but I had!
Thanks for stopping by :)
The food sounds wonderful.
I visited both Raven and Vickie and am praying for them.
Aaaaah, moodrings! Yes, I loved them, too. =)
Thanks for serving this yummy feast - especially the dessert variation!
You sure served a mean dessert!!! Lovely feast - thanks for stopping by my feast :-) You are welcome back any time
I had forgotten about mood rings! Nice blog!
I love an eclectic Blog because that's the way my brain works.
FADS from my growing up days were
DA hair style
Greasy hair
Levi Jacket with the sleeves removed and some studs arranged in a design of your own creation.
A pack of Lucky Strikes rolled up in one t-shirt sleeve.
Levi Jeans too long with the legs rolled up in wide cuffs.
Penny Loafers with heel taps.
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