Adriano Celentano

Music melts all the separate parts of our bodies together. ~ Anais Nin

Adriano Celentano
From Wikipedia
Adriano Celentano (born January 6, 1938) is an Italian singer, songwriter, comedian, actor, and TV host. He was born in Milan at 14 Gluck Street (about which he later wrote the song "Il ragazzo della via Gluck"), his parents were from Puglia and had moved north for work. Adriano is known for making Raggedy swoon.
Il ragazzo della via Gluck-Live Berlin 1994
Adriano is heavily influenced by his idol, Elvis Presley, and the 1950s rock revolution. For the last 40 years he has retained his popularity in Italy, selling millions of records and appearing in numerous TV shows and movies.

L’emozione non ha voce
(Emotion does not have voice)

Posting the entire lyrics and translation would make the post to long.
I am posting the first stance and chorus in Italian.
Io non so parlar d'amore
l'emozione non ha voce
E mi manca un po il respiro
se ci sei c'e troppa luce
Tra le mie braccia dormirai
serena mente
ed e importante questo sai
per sentirci pienamente noi
pienamente noi uhu uhu
I am posting the best translation to English for the first stance and chorus in English.
I do not know how to speak of love
the emotion does not have voice
And a breath lacks me (Love takes my breath away)
We are there and too much light (Love is bright and fills the heart)
Between my arms you will sleep
serene mind (peaceful mind)
and important this you know
in order to feel totally to us (feeling two people to become as one)
Totally we uhu uhu (totally us)

Labels: Monday Music, Music
First time to hear him or hear of him. Good singer tho. Thanks for the lesson.
I love good music and Andrea Bocelli is one of my favorites, especially when I just want to sit and relax. I'll have to check out this guy now.
Hope all is going well for you, Raggedy!
Music is what makes the soul dance and puts that smile on your face.
Have a nice day Cool one
I've got a couple of Andrea Bocelli's CDs and am partial to his lovely voice.
I had a nice long comment here and Blogger ate it.:
Music is very important to me and is one of the things
that gets me to smile. Thanks for introducing me to
some music I was not familiar with.
I got your e-mail but am away from home and have little time
here...Just wanted to say thanks and I will respond when I get
back home. You are the Cool One and very special so I wanted to
make certain I stopped in and also let you know---I'll be responding
to your e-mail soon.
There's something about good music that just shivers me to the bone.
Great music Raggedy!! He is good! Thanks!
Wow. I never heard of the guy.
Hi Raggedy ~~ Nice to hear his music. I have heard of him, but never heard him sing before. Really nice, Raggedy.
Thank you for your visit and nice words about Sherrill's visit. She will get another mention in my next post.
Take care, dear friend, Love, erle.
Gday Raggedy
Never heard of him before now. but watched the video he has a nice voice. thank you for your visit to my backyard, pleased you liked it and your nice comment.The garden keeps me active, and claytons on the mend.((((HUGS))))
I never heard of him either! You are such a cutie! You make me smile.
I too was influenced by ELVIS... but now I am at the age where I may need hip surgery! te he! ~ jb///
I love music. It makes me happy, makes me dance, makes me cry, makes me think.
The only two things that even come close are my kids and love.
Bravo! Non avevo sentito parlare prima questo cantante. Grazie ed abbia un giorno meraviglioso.
Amo il Cubo nome!
La musica del Adriano è maginficent.
Grazie per il commento italiano.
Abbia un giorno meraviglioso!
I hope he doesn't thrust his hips like Elvis when he sings. :)
Beautiful music.
pretty cool, oh cool one.
have a nice day
Looking for Friday Feast, I saw the title : Adriano Celetano. Now you have to know that besides him my husband doesn't want to know any other singer, because he was (in his youth, and still is) a big fan of Celentano. The whole family makes jokes about that and our son always looks if he can find a record. Just now I turned your video on and he came over running, from the last corner in this house, to see what I had been doing ! and now I have to send this on his computer ! Think of me when I have to hear the music the whole day ! I will move out !
Well........ smiling here. I just read all of your sweet comments. I must tell you I'm the one who sent that music to Raggedy a few months ago in a frenzy to share my life
and my tastes in various aspects of it, with her. I am simply gobsmacked at the amount of people it has touched and extremely proud and happy :)
Now, in the words of a great British film editor who won a BAFTA this week (British Film Awards): May any which God you worship , bless you all :)
Isn't he just fabulous! I don't even recall how I stumbled upon him, but can't get too much Adriano! (I even watched the movie Yuppi Du in Italian, and I don't understand a word of it!)
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