Thursday Thirteen (8th)

Thirteen Fun Things to do in an Elevator
1.Make race car noises when anyone gets on or off.
2.Jam miniature marshmallows up your nose and sneeze them out. See how many you can do at a time.
3.Sell Girl Scout cookies.
4.Stare, grinning, at another passenger for a while, and then announce: "I've got new socks on!"
5.Give religious tracts to each passenger.
6.Meow occasionally.
7.Walk on with a cooler that says "human head" on the side.
8.Bring along a fork and Stare at people through the tines of a fork and pretend they're in jail.
9.Say "Ding!" at each floor.
10.Say "I wonder what all these do" and push the red buttons.
11.Listen to the elevator walls with a stethoscope.
12.Make up a language and ask people for directions in it.
13.Take a bite of a sandwich and ask another passenger: "Wanna see wha in muh mouf ?"
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ROTFL your mr. linky went crazy, eh?? Ah, sounds like fun, now all I need to do is stick the little one in there and that's enough excitement for everyone ;).
I'm not sure I've ever thought of any of those! Now I'll know JUST what to do the next time I visit the city!
hee hee hee
hell I meow all the time anyway talking to my cats
never thought to do it in the elevator -- hmmmm???
ROFL! I love these! If you were selling Girl Scout cookies in the elevator, I would buy 10 boxes from you. Seriously. Especially if you had those low-fat apple ones that they sold for like a year and discontinued. Those were the best.
ROTF... Oh, some of those are just too tempting... but the only time I am ever in an elevator is going to the doctor!!! Then again ;)
Happy TT!!
Sell cookies. lol
Thanks for visiting my T13 Numbers Edition, lgp
Good ones!!!!!
Happy TT!
LOL! Very funny. I'm pretty sure I've seen at least a couple of those done. *g*
These sound like things my kids do in elevators already! When I saw the "meow", I figured you'd done that before, Raggedy.
PS I love your new profile photo!
Try jumping up when it's going down - what a rush :)'re a nut! I love these ideas!
I actually, literally laughed out loud at this list!! Now I can't wait to go ride on an elevator!
My TT is up!
Funny Stuff! I can't wait to get in an elevator now and see which one I remember!
Human head. omg yes. that's classic.
and saying ding at every floor? wonder how long someone could go listening to that. I'll have to try it. :)
too funny!!! I might have to try some of thse next time I am in an elevator :)
LOL! Too funny!
Happy Thursday!
What fun!
And I am so not above the marshmallow thing...
My My Thursday Thirteen is up!
Happy Thursday!
very funny! one time my shoe got caught in that little space between the floor and the elevator and i tripped inside. it was sort of like dominos or bowling pins, i flew inside and everyone fell down. very embarrassing but hysterical.
my 13 are up too at my new blog, check it out if you get a chance
Very good! I can never think of anything original to say. Have a good day!
Ha! A ride on the elevator with you would be fun. :)
or try imitating a poot, and then look reproachfully at someone else in the elevator...
You have a VERY silly sense of humor! Twisted silly. ;)
That cracked me UP! I wonder just how inebriated I'd have to be to do any of those. I do think you'd make some hard core cash selling Thin Mints at 3pm when people are tired and snarfy!
Thanks for popping by my 13!
Good ones. Have you ever considered staring into the eyes of a member of the opposite sex (or, heck, even the same sex) and sensuously singing Aerosmith's "Love In An Elevator"? Me neither. But it's something to think about.
AC @ bloggedyblog
That's so funny. I think I'll try a couple.
I love your 13!
You made me laugh (well, snort - I'm at the office, so can't laugh out loud) and made my day :)
Great laugh for a Thursday morning!
This was funny...Might try the language'd have to prqactice so that you could keep a straight face...
LOL! Okay, admit many of these things have you done?? :) Come on now...
Every girl scout momma just thought...ah ha, I have an edge over the competition. :)
My TT is up!
Too funny.....How many have you done!
Thanks for stopping by.
These are great! I've done some of these, and they are so funny! Happy TT!
Wow, what a list. You are easily amused and your list certainly amused me. My TT is up!
Now that sounds like fun. I want to spend a day in an elevator now but I'm afraid I may get arrested. LOL! (or thrown in a loony bin where I really belong) Great 13. -Margie
This is hilarious, Raggedy. The elevator is such a weird place anyway: no one speaks, no one makes eye contact, everyone gives each other space. Why does it have to be that way? And what is this with elevator music? Let's play some good dancing music for a change. Maybe we could all dance inbetween floors, or do karaoke.
I like to be a little playful like this sometime, but it usually mortifies my son if I am.
oh my gosh! What a wonderful list! I don't think I would ever actually do any of them, but I would love to watch someone else doing it!
Great List. My TT is up!
Great list, Raggedy! I like to whisper into my wristwatch while looking at people suspiciously. And of course, pressing a hand to my ear like I'm listing to the reply from talking into the wristwatch.
These are so funny! Great list!
Have a great day, thanks for stopping by my T13 :)
You know, I never thought of selling Girl Scout cookies in elevators when I was growing up. What a good place to get people. They can't get away from you in an elevator!
These are absolutely hilarious! I just might give a few of these a whril! ROFL. thanks for visiting my TT, Stacie
Nice way to liven up an otherwise boring activity! :)
OMG that's great!!! Thanks for the laugh!
All of those things are bound to get you in trouble!! Cute list!
It's official: This is the first TT list that's made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that!
Now I want to go to tall buildings and try them all! I bet they won't see that one coming - a cat with a human head cooler! Muwahaha!
Hilarious! =) That's the stuff I wish I could, but don't have the guts. =)
Thanks for stopping by to check out my TT. I like your profile pic! =)
Fantastic!!! Ding!
Great tips! :-)
That was great! I can just imagine it! Thanks for the laugh!
You are so funny. I might just try some of those. LOL
Thanks for visiting my blog today.
Remind me to never ride in an elevator with you! LOL Thanks for visiting me today :)
I love the one with the human head!
Thanks for almost making me fall off my chair at work from laughing so hard!! Awesome!
I like especially numbers 11 and 12. That's pretty funny. :)
Hahha! I wonder if anyone has actually done anything of this sort....
I thought of something else to do in an elevator, but I'm the good one so I better keep it to myself. :)
LMAO That is the coolest TT I've seen today :D Thank you!
ROTFL!! OH, that was good!! I don't know what I would do if I ever met you in the elevator. Run for the stairs maybe...... LOL
Great list! Happy TT!!
Thanks for visiting!!
Very funny....may have to try one or more of these!!
Happy Thursday!
too funny!
thanks for visiting my TT:)
omg, those are hilarious!!!
I REALLY like the marshmellow idea...I think I'll try this on the way to my next meeting.
Thanks for stopping by my glamorous life! I am ROTFL at your 13...I might need to remember a few of these the next time that I'm traveling in an elevator. My daughters usually do enough crazy things in elevators to keep us entertained!
My son likes to press all of the buttons. Drives me mad.
Those are HILARIOUS! Are you sure you weren't in my class last year? What a great sense of humour. Also, I like how you put prayer in your list of favorites. Happy TT!
Thanks for the giggle.
ROTFLMAO....#13 is the best!
My kids allready push all the buttons...LOL
Have a great Thursday!
reading these I felt like I was on the elevator with my kids!
thanks for visiting my 13 today.
Super silly -and- tempting suggestions for elevator travel! Thanks for sharing and visiting my T13.
hee hee. fun fun fun list. have a great weekend!
Haha, I would never do those but thanks for the smile!
Quite the funny list. Too bad there are no elevators in my town. Thanks for the visit to my blog
hahaha... i would take a long elevatopr trip to do all that!
happy TT to you!
OH my Gosh....too funny! I especially like the ding idea. Lately, the elevators that I use at the huge hospital I go to has that automated ladies voice. (the same voice on every automated voice mail) On Every floor up I repeat her out loud, in her voice, as best as I can. Most people just look at me like I'm crazy.
I think I am too!
"Welcome to floor 3! Thank you for riding". She's annoying so I try to make her a bit more fun.
Great list! How about some uncontrollable laughter? They'll think you are nuts!
My TT is finally up.
did you come up with that list by yourself?
This list is a real fun silly one!!! Gave me a good laugh, my dear!
I don't think I'm daring enough to do enough half the stuff you mentioned here.... They really sound like hilarious things to do though Thanks for visiting
Hey, I like your list, funn stuff. Sounds like good clean fun that I would enjoy. LOL
Thanks for stopping by my place.
very funny list!
I've done # 4 already, I'll have to get to work on the others! ~ jb///
#4 looks good to me.
Those are so funny, I like the meowing idea as well as the new socks LOL I may have to try them one day.
I've done 4 and 6. :)
Happy TT! Thanks for visiting mine!
LOL...these are too funny!!
Thanks for your comment and for visiting me!
Thanks for stopping by! I can just imagine the looks one would get trying any of these!
That's too funny!!! I'm stuck in a motel room with the little ones...we have an elevator here...hmmm...if I get too bored, I've got some ideas ;-)
Thanks for visiting mine!
oops...that last comment was me!
I didn't mean to be anonymous!
Love the cooler idea... I needed a good laugh this morning :-)
95 comments, ^5, Raggedy!!! Say, when you're doing #1 on your elevator list, don't you end up having the elevator ALL to yourself??? I'd think so.
*snerk snerk snerk*
I'll have to remember the marshmallow one!
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LOL! 4 & 8 completely cracked me up exactly when i needed a laugh. =)
I loved this list! Selling Girl Scout Cookies is not a bad about a captive audience. And as for #12, when my husband worked in customer service, he used to take each call in a different accent and "identity" on slow days. Can you believe he still works for that company? Thankfully, he's no longer in Customer Service!
I, also will never let my children see this list!
Those would definitely NOT go over well in my office building. But they made me smile. I just put of my TT (late).
Nicely written- very funny.
Great job, very funny. I like your wit.
Very bad but in a funny way. :)
Great list! Thanks for visiting my T13!
Lol! Those are hilarious! I don't know which is my favorite, but I think I laughed hardest at #8!
Very funny. Now I know what to do when I'm bored in an elevator. When we were kids we use to sing the "Hanes makes you feel good all under" song. Have a great weekend!
Those are hilarious! I love #4.
Fart and then point to the person standing close to you
Those are pretty funny-- of course you'll probably be kicked off shortly after that!
Thanks for making me laugh. never really thought of doing silly things in an evelvator, i guess b/c i got stuck in one once while pregnant. Great list.
Love you sense of humor, Raggedy!
Hope you've had a good Friday!
Hilaorious forgot to walk in and face your facing allthe other people in there...I bet it would freak them out! LMAO! thanx for stopping by my blog happy TT!
OMG! This was so funny! I absolutley despise elevators, so next time I am in one, I am gonna have to really try one of these. Thanks so much for the laugh!
You've got WAY to much time on your hands.
Thanks for visting Loud-n-Clear (my blog) and commenting on the T13. Feel free to participate in the other topics on the blog. Happy blogging.
11... ha ha ha...
This is pee your pants funny! Happy TT!!!
Funny! Thanks for visitin' me blog!
Hilarious! I'm going to give that marshmallow up the nose thing a try. ;)
Those were great! I used to do #8 to my mom all the the dinner table, lol.
Love the new pic, by the way.
*lol* That's hilarious. And I meow occasionally anyway!!!
My TT is up.
Thanks for stopping by last Thursday. Sorry for not posting sooner, we were on vacation and I'm just now getting caught up! Great list - I needed a laugh today!
thx for stopping - i love the list.
I fawt. Silently, of course.(Imma a gentle, Southern lady.pfttt!) Then, look 'round with a maniacle,twisted look on my face, like....
"WHO did THAT?"
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