Thursday Thirteen (6th)

This Thursday Thirteen Post is
dedicated to Miss Cellania
13 Redneck Medical Terms
1. Benign ~ what you be after you was eight.
2. Barium ~ what doctors do when patients die.
3. Cauterize ~ Made eye contact with her.
4. Dilate ~ to live longer that expected.
5. Fester ~ quicker than someone else.
6. Hangnail ~ what you hang your coat on.
7. Impotent ~ distinguished, well known.
8. Labor Pain ~ getting hurt at work.
9. Nitrates ~ cheaper than day rates.
10. Rectum ~ damn near killed him.
11. Tumor ~ More than one.
12. Urine ~ opposite of you is out.
13. Varicose ~ Near by/close by.

Arkansas State trooper pulls over
a pickup truck on I-40.
He says to the driver, "Got any ID?"
The driver says, "Bout what?"

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Yep, that's exactly what its like here. And the medical terms make perfect sense to me!
ROTFLMBO!! Ok, I really enjoyed the laugh... especially after being in the medical field for so long!!!
Happy TT!!!
Here in the UK we have yet another definition for Labour (with a U) pain, and that's Tony Blair! ;D
Happy TT!
that was really funny :)
Happy TT
Hi Raggedy ~~ Enjoyed the jokes and glad you enjoyed mine. Even when we
have seen them before, they are still
amusing. I must copy them for my doctor to get a laugh.
Take care, Merle.
These are good lists to show some medical friends.
Thanks for visiting.
very good - brought a smile to my fact this morning. Tahnks.
my TT is up
That is soooooooo funny. I love Jeff Foxworthy and this so reminds me of his comedy act. Love the hog riding and 'picken' up chicks!!
Great list
LMAO! Too funny. Great list.
LOL!!! That's terrific!
I'm not sure I like you making fun of us.
Haha, this was great. What an awesome thing to ake up and read!! Made my day today!! Thanks for stopping by my TT!!
Thanks for visiting mine.
hehehe...even if you are making fun of us
i've posted 13 too at
hahahahah that last joke made me laugh out loud! This was so funny (and I don't even know any one from the deeeep south!)
Thanks for checking out my 13!
Holy cow!! I think I inhaled some coffee!
LOLOL!! Too, too funny! Thanks for the laugh and for stopping by!
ROFL pretty funny! TY
Ever see Blue Collar TV? I love it when they do redneck words.
Very funny! Love the cartoon.
"Eggs today are better than chickens tomorrow." I had to look it up, I'm RUSTY!
Thanks for stopping by :-)
yawp...add to that list (though it is only a TT, not TFT*)
colon: that ":" thang them sissified folks puts in thar writ stuff...or, what Buford puts on 'fore he tries ridin' his hawg lookin' fer chicks (Buford's a goat-smellin' egg-suckin' strange 'un, shore nuff)
Got any ID?..... "Bout what?... Too funny.
LMAO I loved them!!
Those terms cracked me up, I need to remember not to drink anything while reading these lists because the water usually comes out my nose. LOL
Have a great weekend, I'll stop in as I can next week but if I don't, know I'm thinking about you. *BIIIG HUGS*
Great medical terms, I've seen the redneck computer terms before, but this was funny. Oh, btw, you got all the right answers at FBO - my T13 Bible Misquotes Edition. Come back tomorrow for the exact quotes and all that.
Actually, I've known a few doctors who think those ARE real medical terms!
But then, they don't have any ID, either.
Have a great day, Raggedy!
Oh my, I am STILL laughing about these. I love the Fester one and Dilate. Those are great! Thanks for the visit!
Hee hee. Them there jokes is funny.
*snort* That was funny!
Thanks for stopping by my TT. Have a terrific Thursday. :-)
Being from the South, I love these!!
Thanks for visiting.
Okay, are you picking on us KY folks??
Liked those medical terms! They made sense to me! Very funny!!!
LOL, what a great T13! Unfortunately, a lot of those apply to my little "neck of the woods"! :)
Have a great day, thanks for visiting my T13!
Thanks for the laugh this morning!
*snort* Classic! Mine's up.
Happy TT!
Those made me giggle, so great! I am all about those redeck terms. I am proud to be a Southerner and have such great funny things to laugh about our culture :) My list is up!
Great laughs! Thanks!
LOL. You might be a redneck... hehe.
Happy Thursday! Thanks for stopping by my TT.
Nicely did, Red(neck).
Loved it!!! gosto moito, that's about all the Portuguese I can :)
happy TT!
Loved it!!! gosto moito, that's about all the Portuguese I can :)
happy TT!
My husband would love these! Thanks for the laugh & happy Thursday!
Oh, we must live near each other because that's just too close for comfort, lol.
That is so hilarious! Git R Done!
Hahahaha! AWESOME LIST! :o)
I am SO e-mailing this list to my redneck friend! Too funny!
Hi Raggedy, Nice to meet you on my first TT tour.
Funny stuff.
LOL LOL Oh, I just LOVE these!! Great T13! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
LOL! Great list...especially for here in Ohio;-) Thanks for visiting.
LOL!!! Those were great!
Thanks for stopping by my 13!
Yee-haw! My dad's family is from Tennessee and I have heard some of those words before, but they say kilt instead of killed. :) I thought a kilt was something else, but not if you are from the south.
Love it! Very funny. :) Thanks for the visit. :)
I'm in Georgia, I hear those terms daily! LOL
Happy Thursday!
Too funny! Needed the laugh...thanks for sharing!
Ok my in-laws are from Texas, and I showed them to my father-in-law, he LHAO! The last joke is hilarious!
See y'all later!
Have a great Thursday!
Those were GREAT! Gave me a good laugh. My TT list is up, too.
I sure do hope you dilate, Raggedy.
You're a goodie to have around!
My brother and I have been discussing whether we have redneck in us or not...OK he KNOWS he does (and is)....I am linking him it, love it, love it!!
My TT is up here
Them dang rednecks! Actually, they sound like some of my relatives on my mother's side. Funny. Haha.
Hi Raggedy, I got your very worrying comment about holtieshouse being hard to read because of sidebar intrusion, (It's worrying 'cos we don't want readers discouraged in any way from readin')
Some points:
Do you have trouble with Merles site? I used the same template there.
Do you have a sidebar visible on your screen when browsing? if so try turning it off, any better?
Do you use Internet Explorer as your browser? Mozilla Firefox is BETTER in lots of ways.
Do you use a notebook or a small screen monitor? because of screen area notebooks are more prone to this than full size computers.
Has this been a long term problem? or is it a recent thing?
I'm going to do a post on this subject and would appreciate you being the guinea pig for it.
LOVE those medical terms!
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! great list!!!! I love the labor pains one!!!!!!! thank you so much for the great laugh!... my wee list is up too!
Very, very funny ... thanks for sharing.
Hope your week is going well.
Take care, Meow
Funny stuff here, Raggedy! Especially the Hoss cartoon! ;~)
LOL, LOL, LOL! Very funny! And clever, too!
SIX Flowers are opened tonight! Hooray!
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