Thursday Thirteen (5th)

Thirteen Things about Marriage
Before Marriage - Twice a night.
After Marriage - Twice a month.
Before Marriage - She loves the way I take control of a situation.
After Marriage - She called me a controlling, manipulative, egomaniac.
Before Marriage - Ricky & Lucy.
After Marriage - Fred & Ethel.
Before Marriage - He makes me feel like a million dollars.
After Marriage - If I had a dime for every stupid thing he's done...
Before Marriage - Don't Stop.
After Marriage - Don't Start.
Before Marriage - The Sound of Music.
After Marriage - The Sound of Silence.
Before Marriage - Is that all you are eating?
After Marriage - Maybe you should just have a salad, honey.
Before Marriage - Wheel of Fortune.
After Marriage - Jeopardy.
Before Marriage- Turbocharged.
After Marriage- Needs a jump-start
Before Marriage - We agree on everything!
After Marriage - Doesn't she have a mind of her own?
Before Marriage - Victoria's Secret.
After Marriage - Fruit of the Loom.
Before Marriage- Feathers & handcuffs.
After Marriage - Ball and chain.
Before Marriage - He's lost without me.
After Marriage - Why can't he ask for directions?
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LOL that was funny.
Maybe that's why I never got married :)
ver funny - although we lived together for 7 years before getting married, so nothing much changed:-)
my TT is up
Ah, Raggedy, I had this list all set to go for Sunday's post! Its already in the autopublish queue (I'm leaving town), so please don't think I lifted it from you without attribition! You and I have similar tastes, or in other words... "Great minds think alike!"
Ha! I really liked this one.
Yep..what Walker said ;)
There is alot of truth in some of those. Happy Thursday.
Mr. Bug was lost without me before we were married and he's still lost without me!!! He called one day when he got lost and said "I see this, can you get me home??"
I did! I had a map. Maps help.
How about:
Before marriage: Battery operated boyfriend (BoB)
After marriage: buying bulk batteries for BoB. ROFL
Thanks for the giggles! Happy Thursday! *HUGGLES*
Love it...too funny. I just want a guy who loves me enough that he doesn't care that I'll lose my allotment if I get married...geez.
Anyway, I linked to you today. :)
Those are much too true to be funny Raggedy.
LOL! But ho do you know all this?
LOL! Yea that seems about right!
These are funny lists but are realistic. #6 made me really laugh.
My T13 is up too.
Hi, I've seen you all around blog world and thought I'd drop in for a visit.
Your TT was great! How true!!!
Have a great day!!
Great post Raggedy. Funny as well.
Precisely why I'm divorced ... every one of 'em! Now I have all the "Before" and am taking FULL advantage of it!
HA! Love it! Happy Thursday.
So, uh, how was the salad? (Geez, I hope you didn't put any dressing on it.)
I can agree with everything except the feathers and handcuffs....LOL
Some of those are true. Others are just plain false.
Funny, perceptive, and true. Great post.
Hahaha! Very funny ones!
(BTW, on the post below, I was a blue aura).
Very Funny! And there is always a kernal or two of truth to humor, isn't there?
That is too funny! Happy Thursday!
This is why I think I should stay single!
Just when a laugh was needed most - I came across this post. Thank you.
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